2017年6月23日 大域情報(GI)セミナー 案内


とき :2017 年 6月 23日(金)16:20-17:50
ところ:奈良女子大学理学部 G棟2階 G-210


A Field Guide to the Anthropocene

John G. Lambrinos (Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University)

The pace, sophistication, and magnitude of our manipulation of the planet accelerated dramatically in the middle of the last century. Our influence has become so ubiquitous, measurable and durable that the International Commission on Stratigraphy is considering whether we have entered a new geologic epoch: The Anthropocene. Today, for better or worse, the earth is as much a reflection of us as we are of it. This blurring of the natural and human worlds creates challenges for conservation and natural resource management. In this talk I provide a brief ecological tour of our human dominated planet and review the new concepts and approaches that we are developing to manage it.

The influence of time since introduction on the population growth of introduced species and the optimal management

Hiroyuki Yokomizo (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

Several processes likely act to change the demographic rates of introduced species over time, and this changing demography could influence the optimal management of invasive populations. However, we have a poor understanding of the degree to which the demography of introduced species changes following initial introduction. We used published matrix population models of introduced plant populations to test how population growth rate and elasticity change with time since introduction. We did not find a significant relationship between population growth rate and time since introduction. However, elasticity to stasis increased while elasticity to growth decreased with time since introduction. These results suggest that the optimal management strategy should be derived incorporating elasticity through time, especially when the time scope of management is long.




奈良市 北魚屋西町 北魚屋西町
奈良女子大学 G棟
E-mail: seto[at]ics.nara-wu.ac.jp

