Graduate Course 2020

2020年度の授業開講について 【重要】2020/4/28掲示

本学では5月7日(木)以降に授業を開始するものの、5月末まで対面授業ができないため、本授業は当面の間Cisco Webexを用いた遠隔授業を行う予定である。


5月12日(火)の初回の遠隔授業はなんとか無事に終了できました。手元PCに、python3 と gnuplot をインストールしておいて下さい。python3 には numpy, matplotlib のパッケージをインストールしておくこと。

Course 7760800 of Graduate School of Human Culture, Nara Women's University

Dr. Fugo Takasu (Dept. Environmental Science, NWU)

<Term and Lecture Room> First quater-semester, every Monday at 3rd slot (13:00-13:30) at G303 and G301. Time and room may be subjec to change.

<Aim>In this course we aim to 1) learn basic mathematical models of population dynamics and 2) experience numerical calculation of these models, and 3) learn to extend these simple models to stochastic dynamics and 4) implement these stochastic models to explore the behaivor.

Prospective students are assumed to have good knowledge of basic calculus and experience in C programming. In the first half of lecture, I give explanation of topics and in the second half we implement the topics using C language.

The course content can be subject to change according to the skill of students. Contact me BEFORE you register this course.

Lecture is given in English on request. Otherwise in Japanese.

Mathematica notebooks used in the course 2020:

<Plan> Reference is ready in pdf.

takasu "at"

Last update: April 15, 2020